
Cannot Rewind

Have you ever noticed that whenever you get conscious about something you can't rewind and stop the record. Once you have noticed something you're trapped and there's no way back.
Imagine yourself lying on a beach relaxing with your friends and suddenly one of them says: "Oh my God, I get so frustrated about that grasshopper singing in the background." and you answer: "What grasshop... Oh, that one!" And suddenly you can't ignore the singing.
You can never go back to when you were just sunbathing in harmony, you just continue to hear this grasshopper. It's the same with consciousness, you just have to learn to live with the "sound" even though you might not want to hear it all the time. It's there.


Earth Ling

What is it about us human beings? Why do we consider ourselves better than animals? We are all living beings on this planet so what gives us the right to decide who's worth the most? Some people may answer that question with: "Well, we're more intellectual than animals and therefore..."
Who said that the most intellectual being on this plane is the highest placed in hierarchy? Probably a human...
I saw a movie today and it was really terrible and I was wondering if it would be the right thing to put it up onto this blog. It's a film about how we, human beings, treat animals. Not a very nice sight. So I decided to link it and let you decide whether you want to take it in or not. If "yes" then you'll just have to click here. The film is called "Earthlings" and that is us.


Power of the Mind

It's so fascinating what we're able to do with our mind. The placebo effect is a great example of that. Can you believe the power of our thoughts? "Our minds create the medicine" (video placebo effect) How healthy and wealthy we would be if we only believed in our capacity.


I really look up to these kind of people; brave ones. 


Taken For Granted

Do we really know how lucky we are? I don't think so. I think that we believe that we understand the value of our security. Ever since I was a kid adults around me have been teaching me how to appreciate what I got but did I ever really understand it? Or is it just imprinted in me to believe that I do?
A friend once quoted this: "When we are healthy we wish for a million things but when we are sick we wish for just one thing: to get well." This is so true and I think that we can apply it in almost every situation. It's like the old saying: "You don't know what you got until you've lost it."
We in the West have the opportunity to wish for many things, many unnecessary things because we already got the basic needs satisfied most of the time. I don't think that it's healthy. 
Are we ever pleased?


Hey World Don't Give Up

"Tell me why it's okay to kill in the name of the Gods we pray"

Your Authority

When did human beings begin to separate themselves from each other? We are no different from each other so why act like that? In today's world our priorities are wrong. Power and money has become more important than the welfare of our brothers and sisters, than the love of our specie and our home; Earth.
But the people are tired of being locked into another beings laws, sayings and power. It's time for a change and it's happening really fast. I like it, this Domino effect. Human beings are supposed to be free with the right to think for themselves. It's not much to ask for, it isn't something to ask for really, because there is no one on this planet that have the right to be asked for these rights. We can only ask ourselves, our own authority. We, people, human beings, need to stop putting authority outside of ourselves. 
A great way of beginning thinking by yourself is to use the most simple word, but also the most complicated to answer: "Why?
That word is never too stupid to ask.


One Hundred Seven

Why are animals dying?
Birds, Bees, Fish, Bats and now Whales! Not just one whale but 107!!!!
All this in 2011? And remember 2011 has only just begun. Is this normal?

Is this related to the earthquakes that are happening in this area?

Earthquake damage: buildings in Christchurch, 19 miles from the epi-centre, demonstrate the power of the tremors. Photograph: David Alexander/AP (webpage)


The Earth is Cracking

All over the world people are fighting for their rights as human beings on this planet. It's a shame that we have to fight for it, it's supposed to be natural! But the fact is that it isn't.
No one has the right to control a country, a people, with an iron fist but yet it's still happening. If we all co-operated it would be a whole new kind of situation but the world is too afraid to act. I mean, if the world didn't let these people gain power, then they wouldn't have any...
The earth is cracking.. not only physically but also emotionally!


Alone Time

Everyday we're exposed to other peoples energies and we're usually not spending time to recover our own aura. To be in our own space is very important for ourselves and others. If we don't give ourselves time, how can we give others time? We can't, the energy is not there.
 I wonder how many hours we spend in our own energy, our own aura away from others? I don't think that it is as much as we probably would need to do. 
I personally get all exhausted if I don't get my alone time. I get cranky, frustrated, bitter, angry, irritated, tired etc.
Meditation is a well-known term but I don't think it has to be so complicated as I think it sounds and I don't think that it is meant to be complicated either. It should be our most natural state of being. For me meditation is just to be in your own space. Alone. Just being. Just living. 


Born This Way

"We are all born superstars"

A, B, C...then what?

One dear friend once asked me to figure out a new letter. I thought about it for a while and pronounced silently for myself but noticed that all I ever did was repeating the same old pattern, the same letters that already existed. I was really trying to make a new letter but I didn't make it. 
Then I realized how limited my mind is. But after that I realized that it isn't limited, I just don't use it all.

What if we used all of our capacity? What would the world be like? 


Mother of Revolution

"Nawal el-Saadawi has been fighting for change in Egypt for more than half a century. As Egypt prepares to herald in a new era, what role will women play in the emerging political landscape?"


World Within Us

We all carry the world within us.
Imagine what it would be like being aware of all that exists within us. It's not just the physical world that is present in our lives, we're blessed with so much more. Just think about our dreams and our imagination - aren't these abilities incredible to you? To me they are.
Our creativity keeps us alive and it's an incredible gift.



Sharing. Can you feel her collective spirit? I sure can. What she says is applicable on everything, not just piracy. We do not own anything. We're supposed to share what we have, not keep it. If you keep it what's the point?
How do you think that you received the information? By someone else sharing it with you. So, what gives you the right to keep it for yourself and what's the purpose?

God allows U-turns

"Remember, if you’re headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns!" Allison Gappa Bottke

I like this quote because it is a good description of letting mistakes just pass. We're often too harsh on ourselves (and others) and guilt is our co-rider on our journey. We need to replace guilt with experience, by that I mean that we need to look at our mistakes and learn from them and see it as a fortune. And not to take it so freaking seriously as if it were a question of life or death. 
U-turns are great and they're so hard to manage if you're fixed - you just got to win the whole "competition". Competition? Arguing is not about that really. It's through arguing that you can find your standpoint and insights. BUT remember that standpoints are never permanent - nothing is. So why defend yourself? Why do you have to be so certain about your opinion? That is not developing. That is not consciousness. Yet, it's so hard sometimes. 
Love to U-turns. U-turns are magnificent. 

Another quote that says something about fixedness: 
"The mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work unless it’s open" Unknown




The Greatest Gift

Photo by Cecilia Ristilae, Nikon D90, 2010

Water. Drinking water is like drinking diamonds. It heals your body, it gives you life. Water is everything and everything is water. We live on a planet of water. We live in a body of Water.
We are all diamonds of this world.


One Love All Over

This video/song makes me soooo happy!

Here's their homepage - WOW!

Trading Places

Home is a place where you can feel secure, or at least that's the way it should be. Many homes in the world aren't safe, some are in fact dangerous to live in. One that is getting more and more dangerous to live in is our Home with a capital H. Our home, our mother - the Earth.
Those who have had dangerous, or no homes knows how to get by because they're connected to our real home. They live on our Earth's resources, nothing more, nothing less. They know how to survive and they will become our teachers. Do not underestimate their potential. Pray for them.

M just posted me this picture and it really touched me because it's true:


Healing Mother Earth

Today me and M was putting crystals into the water. I said a prayer and focused on the crystal then I dropped it into the water.
Kiesha speaks more about this on her latest video.
Here it is:


We are one, Let's act that way

Dear You,

I'm happy that you've find my place.
This blog is my way of uniting with you. I will share what I have to share and hope that it will be absorbed somewhere.

I think that we need to invite and be more open to the young people of this world, we are your and our future. We need to change our way of living on our planet and we need to change the way we behave. We need to forgive ourselves for everything that we have been doing to our planet, home and origin. We need to forgive our loved ones but also our enemies. We need to forgive each other.
We are not different, we do not stand on this or that side - we are one and so should we act. 
Change is coming, we cannot escape it but we can be in our own power and meet the change with open hearts.

We've been separated a long time now and it's time to unite.
