
Nothing is Absolute

What do we know? I think it's nothing really. We cannot be certain about anything at all, so why are we even trying? We can often appear to be certain and convinced about things, and I believe that it is grounded on fear. Fear of being rejected if you don't know nothing.
If somebody ask you if you want a cup of coffee and you answer: "Yes, please!" Can you be certain that it is you that wants that coffee, or is it because he/she asked you? Would you have been longing for coffee if he/she hadn't been asking you? Do you really like coffee, or is it just learned? Did you say "yes" because you wanted to be polite? If he/she also had been offering you tea, would you have selected coffee then?
Even a simple question like that isn't easy to be certain about. Our answers are often with regard to the other and the circumstances, not because we're assured about anything. Most of our answers and even thoughts are probably learned.


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