
Hi guys! I have changed my blog address to http://ceciliaristila.wordpress.com/ See you there! Lots of love, Cecilia


Limited Vision

We live in an amazing world but our view is limited. It is limited even in our own dimension. We are blind instead of being blinded by the beauty around us in everyday life. Look closer. If you do, you may discover the beauty you were already staring at.
We are looking for other dimensions and some people's highest wish is to develop that gift but I think that we always thinks that the grass is greener on the other side. If we were able to see what's already within and around us maybe we would realize that everything we need is served to us. We just need to look in the right place.


Look in the right place

We are the angels of our Mother Earth

Angels of Mother Earth © Cecilia Ristilä 
We spend our time chasing, chasing after something extraordinary, something very special. It is surely misplaced energy because it is not out there somewhere else. That somewhere else does not exist. There is no somewhere else. As a matter of fact, there is no someone else. We are all connected to each other and the gift is within our core; the heart.

Love is our origin and you do not have to chase it, it is there within you. Use it and you won't be lost.


The 11-11-11 Event

Choose Love

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Major is Afraid of Youtube

and watch this movie:
"The Major is afraid of Youtube."

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10-Year-Old Sings for the World's Waters

Ta'Kaiya Blaney isn't your average 10 year old. An accomplished singer, Ta'Kaiya is also deeply passionate about ocean and marine life. "Shallow Waters" is one of 5 songs released by Ta'Kaiya to raise awareness about a proposed oil pipeline from the Alberta Tar Sands. In a sad turn of events that proved Ta'Kaiya right, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico happened soon after the song was finished.
Video from KarmaTube


Be Prepared