
Shock of Death

Shock. For me these days have been filled with shock, good and bad, and it have made me realize that life is full of surprises. It's wonderful really.
Death. How can we say, as human beings that a death is shocking? If you think about it.. what is it that is so shocking with death? When did we learn to deny death as a part of life? If we think about it as a part of life a great deal of sadness will disappear. I thought about this after I wrote the post about Ra. Death isn't shocking. How could it be?
We can die now, in a minute, in an hour, in a day, in a week, in a month or in a year. If you know that, shock of death doesn't exist.


Anonymous Christian Blom said...

My mind doesn't like it, but I can feel the truth of your words in my body. I guess it's about living every moment fully present, appreciating it for what it is, so that you can have no regrets when things come to an end.

15 Mar 2011, 21:53:00  
Anonymous Butthead said...

Vad kul att du skriver om det här! Vi har pratat om det i skolan och vi lär oss ur studielitteraturen att döden ALLTID kommer som en chock, oavsett det faktum att vi VET att alla dör någon gång, och även om en patient faktiskt är dödende och som väntat, faktiskt dör. Jag tror att chocken handlar om att man blir medveten om att personen aldrig kommer tillbaka. :) Det handlar inte bara om just Döden, utan alla känslor däromkring!Det kan uppstå känslor du aldrig tidigare upplevt vilket kan utlösa en chock! PUSS Beavis

17 Mar 2011, 10:34:00  

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